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It is a requirement of accreditation by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) that PMI provide library facilities at all its sites of delivery. The nature of PMI’s programmes and delivery methodology ensures that all students at PMI have recognised international texts in each of the disciplines studied as part of their study material. In effect this means that all PMI students possess a personal library of leading edge texts at the conclusion of their programme of study at PMI.

Library content
The library must contain the following categories of texts in the disciplines cited above;
• Seminal works in specific fields where these are still available
• Standard texts in each of the disciplines
• Enough copies of each of the texts that each facilitator who facilitates the course may have a copy at hand
• The most recent available texts in each discipline.

PMI Libraries are operating as lending libraries. PMI staff members and current registered students are automatically considered as members of the library. Library members are the only people eligible to use the library and loan books from library the facility. There will be no client requesting an information source on behalf of another client. Once a member borrow the material from the library, he/she becomes liable for any damage caused on the book or its loss.

• A member is allowed to loan information resources that are available in the Library for a period of (7) seven days.
• Library members can only loan a maximum of (2) two information resources at a time.
• All clients are required to fill in a loaning register, when loaning library material and all details required by the register should be provided.

Returning of material
• Library material should be returned before or on due date.
• If the client wishes to continue using the book beyond the seven days period, he/she must request for extension from the librarian. Unless the item is reserved by another patron.
Extension of loan
• A member of the library is entitled to an opportunity to extend the loaning period once per loan on each book.
• A request for loan extension should be made before or on the due date, therefore failure to extend before or on the due date will lead to a member being penalised.
• Extension of loan can be made in the library or be reported telephonically.
• Each and every item/book have a date sheet located after the cover page and library telephone numbers are found on that date sheet.

• It is the responsibility of a member to ensure safety of the books he/she borrowed from the library to avoid damage or loss of the material until its return.
• Any failure to return a book before or on due date will result with a member being charged R1 on each book per day or suspension of library privilege.
• A clients is liable for the replacement value of the information resources in cases of loss or damage.
• After loan expiry date, a client will be contacted to return a book and if the client fails to submit the material in a period of 14 days, it will be regarded as lost and the client will be subjected to lost material penalty.
• In a case of lost material, a client will be given an option to either pay for a book or buy it. When opted to buy the material, only latest edition of the material should be purchased regardless of the edition of the material lost.

• Materials already loaned to someone else can be reserved for the next user who wants it. That person will be given a maximum of 7 days in which to return the book and renewal will not be allowed.
• As soon as the book is returned, an email will be sent to the person reserved the book to come and collect.
Phone: 0437311352